This workshop was held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar (03-04 May 2017)
This workshop is dedicated to gathering partners on the same level of information, both on the current working research axes in Crop Protection and on the knowledge of ACP and its ins and outs. It is made up of training on ACP (around the following questions: What is ACP? What are the experiences available? What are the keys of the agroecological transition?), exchange of information on the status of Crop Protection priorities and local research axis, discussion on the progress of the collective paper, and contribution to the identification of the possible future orientations and area of work for a medium-term collaborations. The workshop is performed jointly by local partners (researchers and teachers) and by CIRAD, in charge of the coordination of the ACP-ACTAE project.
The financial charges of the WS have been supported by the different partners. ACP-ACTAE project supports logistical charges of the Workshop, lunch (3rd and 4th, travel and accommodation of some participants coming from Inlay or other places than Nay Pyi Taw.
Download presentations of the workshop here